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Caterpillar Parker visited Hualing


Recently, the President of Caterpillar Jim Parker visited Hualing Auto Company to negotiate about cooperation. They held a conference for further discuss.

Parker looked around the four main production lines of heavy truck. During the time, the President of Hualing Liu Hanru gave a detail introduction of both the equipments and technology to Parker. And then Parker gave a high affirmation on it and said Hualing manufacture techniques have reached a new high as the tops in the world and they also do well in administration, it is featured and every working procedure is ascribed to a certain person in charge so it is helpful to control the quality.

In the conference, Liu introduced to the visitors about the fast development course of Hualing and the products series status and the outstanding market achievements. He put a keystone to the internationalization stratagem and process. Liu said internationalization can help us to be featured and develop, and it is also a goal for us to reach. Hualing selected a way of high technique, but Chinese market cannot satisfy our development need so we cannot only rely on civil engine manufactures that are not suitable for European market. So the cooperation with world famous companies is the best real choice for Hualing to enter the international market. It can solve the problems of both the high technique engine and overseas service.

Caterpillar is one of the biggest engine manufactures in the world, so there will be a bright future for the cooperation.

Parker showed a great interest on Hualing fast development mode and he said the speed is unbelievable. Hualing is a company who has a great potential. He will make a solution as soon as possible to finish the cooperation that they will have a bright future.


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