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Yuchai Expect to Produce & Sell 330,000 to 350,000 engines in 2007


Yuchai Machinery Co Ltd has outlined development goals for 2007, focusing on product structure adjustment, enhancement of technological advantages and service improvement.

"We expect to produce and sell 330,000 to 350,000 engines in 2007, an increase of 23.4 percent over last year," said Yuchai Machinery Co general manager Li Tiansheng on January 29.

Yuchai will attach great importance to four market segments, the heavy-duty engine market, the medium engine market, the light engine market and the China III emission standard engine market, according to Yuchai board chairman Yan Ping.

Company vice-general manager Wu Qiwei said Yuchai aims to sell 20,000 6M and 6L heavy-duty engines and 3,000 engines for large buses in 2007.


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