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Nearly 8000 Jianghuai Light Trucks Exported


  In the first half year of 2007, the internal market of Chinese trucks is calm on the whole while the international market has great successes. Manufacturers such as Jili Motor, Qirui Motor, Greatwall, Zhonghua Motor, Zhongxing Motor, Jianghuai Motor, Changan Motor all have successes in the international market of which Jianghuai light truck has broken the record of light truck export for the sixth time successively. In this first half year, Jianghuai Motor has exported nearly 9,000 unites 159% more than that of last year, earning 70 million US Dollars 218% more than that of last year, of which there are nearly 8,000 light trucks exported 145% more than that of last year, earning 50 million US Dollars155% more than that of last year. It is predicted that Jianghuai Motor will sell 20,000 unites in international market by the end of this year and it will hold the first place in the exporting area of Motor industry.

   In addition, other goods vehicle manufactures such as Foton, Jianging Motor, Dongfeng Motor, Yuejin Motor are striking to occupy more shares of international market. The motor export market is bloom.


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