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10103 DongFeng Heavy Duty Trucks Sold


  10103 Dongfeng new model heavy-duty trucks represented by Tianlong truck, have been sold since May 18th 2006 to August 8th, 2007. According to statistics, there are more than 12,000 Dongfeng Tianlong& Titan Heavy duty trucks had been sold and more than 6000 trial sale trucks had been sold up to May 18th,2007 . Since June to August of this year anther 6000 heavy duty trucks have been sold.Now, there are more than 60 Dongfeng Tianlong & Dongfeng Titan heavy duty trucks are sold per day, averagely. Every 4 Dongfeng heavy duty trucks sold, there is 1 Dongfeng Tianlong, and every 20 heavy duty trucks running in China, there is 1 Dongfeng Tianlong heavy duty truck.


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京ICP备09021066号-10 Public security record number Public security record number:11010502036076