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100,000 SINOTRUK Vehicles May Be Sold in2007


  From January to July, SINOTRUK has produced and sold 61,838 heavy duty vehicles, up 73.4% compared with last year, engine produced63, 258 units, up 76.2%, sales income 20.678 billion Yuan, up 61.9%, profit and tax totaled 1.677 billion Yuan, up 101.3% and making foreign exchange 0.1947 billion Us Dollars, up 47% compared with last year.  It is predicted that SINOTRUK will produce and sale 100,000 vehicles in this year.

  SINOTRUK is one of the best heavy duty truck manufacturers, whose market share has reached 20%in China. It has maintained it’s first place in dump truck, cement mixer,pumper and heavy duty trucks above 14 tons in China.


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