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JAC Is Recognized to Be One of the Most Valuable Listed Auto Company


  In recent daysJ AC is recognized to be one of the most valuable listed auto companies of 2007. In 2001, JAC became a listed company. After these years development, sales income of JAC had reached 10billion Yuan in 2006, retained profit up to0.5 billion Yuan and the product structure has changed substantially. At first, it was a company focused on producing bus chassis, now products of JAC include chassis light trucks, heavy-duty trucks, MPV SRV cars and engines etc. Since being listed, the total assets value, net assets value and capital stocks of JAC have developed fast. Economic scale and ability to withstand risks have been improved greatly. The R&D and marketing ability of JAC are ranked among the best of the industry.


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京ICP备09021066号-10 Public security record number Public security record number:11010502036076