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Foton Spends Big Money On R&D to Cut Oil Consumption


  A laboratory for R&D of low displacement vehicles has been set up in Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd on Aug.29. It is said that oil consumption of their heavy duty trucks will be lowered by more than 10%.

  The laboratory equipments cost more than 0.2 billion Yuan, of which there are 12 advanced equipment introduced from German, Japan and Austria. Foton has put much importance on the construction of 7 sub laboratories such as vehicle environmental simulation displacement laboratory, evaporation and obturation laboratory, and vehicle mileage endurance laboratory. The new laboratory can simulate extreme environments of 40 degrees below zero, 60 degrees above zero and places with an altitude of 5200m. The new laboratory is of first class in China.

  The set up of the new laboratory enables Foton to test vehicles both indoor and outdoor and they can test on complete vehicle engine and parts. After the system is put into use, Foton can realize the harmonization of vehicle power system and transmission system which will improve the vehicle performances in oil consumption and motivity. 


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