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Sino-Hungary Business Forum was held in Beijing Yesterday


  The Sino-Hungary Business Forum was held in Beijing On Sep. 3, 2007, this is one of the most important activities to the opening ceremony of “Hungary Season” in China. Chinese vice Prime Minister Hui Liangyu and Hungarian Prime Minister H.E.Mr.Ference Gyurcsany took part in the forum and gave speeches to express their appreciation to the cooperation between the two countries. They hope that Sino-Hungary relationship could be strengthened by trade and investment.

            Chinese Vice Prime Minister Mr. Hui is Delivering A Speech

  The Hungary Season is Held by China and Hungary Governments which will last to Apr. of 2008 and will be held in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Urumchi, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Representative of Hungary taking part in the forum gave introductions to Hungary’s economic achievements, investment environment and preferential policies. They point out that as China’s second largest trade partner in East Europe and a member of E.U., Hungary is a bridge between China and Europe. Hungarian Minister Economy and Transport H.E. Mr.Janos Koka says “China is an important cooperation partner to Hungary in the area of either investment or business” H.E. Mr. Ference Gyurcsany says he wishes that Hungary could become a center of Sino-East Europe trade, investment, logistics, finance and tourism. 

         Hungary Prime Minister Mr. Ference Gyurcsany is Delivering A Speech

  There were entrepreneurs both from China and Hungary took part in forum and they are from the industries of communication, electric apparatus, automobile, machinery, construction, medical apparatus, medicine, environmental protection, logistics, winery, food, consultation and cultural exchange. As a sponsor of the forum, Allison Transmission has attracted many people of the forum. Allison Chinese representative Mr. Zhou Laisong and Hungarian representative took part in the meet. Allison Hungarian representative gave a speech during the forum as a representative of multinational enterprises.  

          Representatives of Enterprises are Signing Cooperation Contract

  According to statistics of China Customs, Sino-Hungary trade amount was 4.6billion U.S. $ in 2006. China became Hungary’s most important trading partner in the East Asia region. The development of China and Hungary’s entering of E.U. have provided opportunities for the business cooperation of the two countries.


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