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9,000,000 vehicles Will Be Produced and Sold In China In 2007


       Vice president of China Machinery Industry Federation and president of Society of Automotive Engineers of China Mr.Zhang Xiaoyu said in 2007, China Auto industry would produce and sale more than 9,000,000 vehicles.

   According to statistics, production amount of Chinese automobiles is increasing at a fast speed for six years successively. From year 2001 to year 2006, the annual increase rate is 26%. In 2006, there were 7,200,000 unites of vehicle produced and sold which makes china the second largest new vehicle sales market after U.S.A. In the first half year of 2007, there were 4,456,700 vehicles produced and 4,373,800 vehicles sold in china which are 22.36 and 23.3% increased y-o-y.


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