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Sales volume of heavy-duty truck is predicted down


  It is reported that the 22 listed vehicle manufacturers have made a income of 13.16 billion Yuan in their main business in the first half year, which is 86.71% increased y-o-y. And they realized a net profit of 5.539billion Yuan, which is 132.44% increased y-o-y. In the second half year, with much lower prices in materials such as steel, the flourish of auto industry will probably be continued.

  According to statistics, more than 226,208 units of heavy duty truck were produced in the first half yea which is 73.18% increased y-o-y and 255,822 units were sold which is 66.84% increased y-o-y. The development of the sub-industry is 25% higher than the average of the whole auto industry.

  Expert says that there will be a sharp fall in the sale of commercial vehicle which is caused by less projects and macro-control. It is predicted that the sales volume of the following half year is 150,000 units to 160,000 units.


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