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Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co Ltd


  Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co Ltd (JAC, hereafter), originally called Hefei Jianghuai Automobile Factory which came into existence in 1964, was founded on September 30, 1999. JAC is the high-new technology enterprise of Anhui province as well as one of key enterprises of the National Torchlight Plan.

  Since 1990, JAC has become rare auto company maintaining an appropriate rapid profit growth for 16 years. The main products of JAC have played very important role in their relevant market segments in China. The main products of JAC include the manufacture of 6 to 12 meters bus chassis, 0.5 to 50 tones trucks, Refine MPV of 7 to 12 seats, engine, gear-box, auto parts and components etc.

  The year 2007 will see JAC step into a wider car market and play in a brand-new strategic area. JAC will be devoted to the development of China's auto industry. While constantly maintaining and developing its commercial car market position, JAC has also consistently sought to develop passenger car market, and will strive to be a leading national auto manufacturer with core international competition during the eleventh five-year plan period.


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京ICP备09021066号-10 Public security record number Public security record number:11010502036076