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1st Rassia -Chinese Automobile Forum in Late Oct.


 Only a few years ago China opened a new page in the history of the world's automotive industry. There is no doubt today that we are witnessing the emergence of the Chinese Automotive Wonder. Below are the facts to support this view:

  • The number of motor cars and commercial vehicles of all classes produced in China in 2006 comprised 7 million.
  • The number of motor cars produced in China comprised less than one million in 2001, while in 2006 this number exceeded 4 millions, which makes 60% of the annual growth.
  • The total output of 130 production facilities comprises over 4 million of motor cars of more than 90 brands
  • China produces motor cars of world famous brands, such as Audi, BMW, Chevrolet, Ford, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Volvo, 50 brands in total.
  • More than 40 brands of motor cars are national authentic Chinese brands, such as Brilliance, BYD, Chery, FAW, Geely, Great Wall, Hafei, Lifan, Tianma, Zhongxing and others.
  • The number of motor cars exported during the previous year exceeded 300 000, which means it grew by 4 times as compared to 2005.

   The first Chinese motor cars appeared in Russia in 2004. Today the majority of Chinese automakers consider Russia to be the key export market, while the Chinese trend becomes a priority in the near future development strategy, adopted by the leading Russian automakers. The results already achieved in 2006 are quite impressive:

  • The number of motor cars of various Chinese brands sold in Russia comprises nearly 20 000.
  • The number of dealers of Chinese automakers amounted to 250.
  • Motor cars of 10 Chinese brands are officially on sale in Russia.
  •  A number of Chinese automakers have either put in operation or are building their assembling facilities in different regions of Russia.

   The experts’ forecast for 2007 is the following:

  • The volume of sales of Chinese motor cars will increase to 85 000 – 100 000 pcs. per year to reach the number of 1 000 000 by 2015 if auspicious conditions prevail.
  • There will emerge 10 more brands of Chinese motor cars in Russia/
  • More than 20 new Chinese brands have the potential to enter the Russian market in the near future.
  • Some 30 Chinese automakers plan to invest in assembling facilities in Russia.
  • The total amount of investments in these production facilities may well reach $5 billion.

Topics for Discussion

  The world community watches the amazing pace of the development of the Chinese automotive industry with interest and concern. Structural changes of the Russian automotive market conditioned the keen interest of Russian businessmen for Chinese motor cars. But, taking into account the rapidly changing market conditions they still have more questions than answers:

  • What brands will be successful on the Russian market and what will be the progress of this success?
  • What are the intentions of automakers, who are still planning to enter the Russian market?
  • What is the quality, technical and technological peculiarities of Chinese vehicles?
  • How Chinese vehicles are to be imported, sold and serviced?
  • What are the provisions regulating the supply of spare parts and optional equipment?
  • How to cooperate with Chinese automakers?
  • What is the state policy of China in relation of vehicles export?
  • What are the closest and the furthest prospects of the Chinese automotive industry?
  • When, where and how will the Chinese build assembling facilities in Russia?
  • What is the investment policy of China in Russia, and what is the state policy of Russia in relation to Chinese automakers?

  This rather incomplete list of questions is to be discussed by the leading industry experts during the First Russian-Chinese Automotive Forum, which will be held in Beijing in Oct.25th and 26th 2007. Live discussions at the Forum are the unique opportunity to ask questions and get answers "from the horse's mouth".

Target Audience

  The First Russian-Chinese Automotive Forum is the first event of its kind in the history of Russian-Chinese trade, economic and investment cooperation, with the participation of professionals of the automotive industry. The mission of the Forum is to organize an effective dialogue of Russian and Chinese business circles, as well as to contribute to the development of Russian-Chinese cooperation in the automotive industry and trade. The Forum will be attended by more than 500 participants with 300 of them from the Russian side and 200 – from the Chinese. The Chinese side will be represented mainly by directors of different automotive production facilities, while the Russian side will be represented by distributing organizations, dealers, financing, certifying and servicing companies. There will also be representatives of Russian and Chinese governmental bodies, regulating the production, trade, certification, export and import of vehicles.

Participants and Guests of the Forum

  The speakers at the Forum will include the directors of the major Chinese automakers, such as FAW, SAIC, Chery and many others, as well as the directors of Chinese automotive industry organizations and the representatives of the respective Russian and Chinese ministries. Speakers from the Russian side will include the directors of the major Russian companies, engaged in distribution of Chinese vehicles, transport, customs and industry regulating organizations, as well as research institutions.

Additional Opportunities at the Forum

  There will be an exhibition within the frameworks of the Forum, with the participation of Chinese producing and Russian distributing companies, as well as of transport, customs, certification, finance and other servicing organizations. The participation in the Forum will let you obtain true and up-to-date information, initiate direct contacts with all market players, either Chinese or Russian, as well as realize a huge potential of Chinese automotive industry on the Russian market.

  You are welcome to participate in the First Russian-Chinese Automotive Forum. Do not miss a unique chance to develop your business on the automotive market, which is now undergoing such capital changes!


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