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Beijing to introduce tougher auto emission standards


 Xinhua, BEIJING - Beijing will introduce tougher auto emission standards at the beginning of next year to curb air pollution in this host city of the 2008 Olympic Games, an official has said.

  The new standards will reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide in automobile exhaust by 1,840 tons every year, said Feng Yuqiao, an official with the Beijing environment protection bureau.
Automobile distributors in Beijing have got prepared for the new China IV standards that are equivalent to the Euro IV standards in the European Union, the official added.

  Feng also said "all the gas stations in Beijing will provide gasoline and diesel that meet the requirements of the new standards starting from January 1." The current China III standards, equivalent to the Euro III standards, have reduced sulfur dioxide in automobile exhaust by 2,480 tons annually since it was enforced at the end of 2005, according to the official. However, "air pollution caused by automobile exhaust is still serious," Feng added.

  To reduce pollutants in emission, some buses in Beijing have already used fuel that meets the China IV standards. There are 3.1 million motor vehicles in Beijing at present.


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