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Indian No. 2 truck maker's sales affected by logistical difficulties


Ashok Leyland Ltd, India's No. 2 bus and truck maker, said its November sales figures were affected by logistical difficulties, a top company official said on Tuesday.

"November numbers could be a bit disappointing," Managing Director R. Seshasayee told reporters at the World Economic Forum India Summit.

The company is scheduled to report its November sales later this week.Leyland, which has about 30 percent of a market that Tata Motors Ltd dominates, has seen sales slip in the last three months on the back of higher interest rates.

Seshasayee had told Reuters recently he expected to see truck sales revive from January.

Leyland, which has a joint venture with Nissan Motor Co for light trucks, transmissions and components, is aiming at sales of 90,000 units for the full year to March, a growth of 8 percent from the previous year.


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