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A brief analysis of China truck market in 2007


UBS Securities released its "2007 China Auto Market report" in Shanghai declaring that sales increase rate of heavy duty truck is 63%, while sales increase rate of medium truck is 67%. UBS Securities believes that the new emission standard will promote sales of trucks in 2008.

Experts believe that the fast increase of China truck market will attract world truck giants swarming into China. Though at present, truck giants such as Volvo has met some problem on their march into China, the presence of them in China market is a matter of time.

There are three reasons that led to the quick development of truck demand in China.
First, the booming of infrastructure construction & energy transport need large number of trucks;
Secondly, the reform of High-way Charge caused the increase of truck sales
Thirdly, the replacement cycle of trucks is 3 to 5 years and the last midseason of truck sales was around 2003, so a new midseason has come.


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