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Foton held colloquium with custmers in Angola


In recent days, Foreign Department of Beiqi Foton Motor held a colloquium with Angolan Customers in Angola. This was the first time for Chinese auto makers to talk face to face with customers in Angola. The colloquium allowed Foton to know more about performances of their trucks in Angola and the special requirements of local customers.

In 2005, Foton got an order of 250 heavy duty trucks from Angolan government after win a bid. Foton became the first Chinese truck maker that began to sell trucks in Angola. However, in recent years, there are some complaints about Chinese trucks, such as bad after-sale services, not enough local spare parts suppliers. After think about the matter seriously, like other Chinese truck makers, Foton began to realize the importance of constructing after-sale services networks. The colloquium held by Foton was part of their endeavor to improve their after-sale services.

Angola local government put much importance on the colloquium and most major local media reported the colloquium.


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