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Facing the major earthquake, China truck maker begin to donate (II)


Facing the major earthquake striking Sichuan Province on May 12, China auto makers are aspiring to donate cash and vehicles to the struck area. By now, more than 150 million Yuan and nearly 550 vehicles has been donated by auto makers. Here is a list of the truck & parts makers who have donated to Sichuan Province:

CAMC Automobile Co.,Ltd.

1 million Yuan 

Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor

1.2million Yuan, 10 dumpers, 7 rescue vehicles

Shannxi Auto Group

1.6 million Yuan, 1 million Yuan Materials

Greatwall Motor

20 SUV and pick up truck


200vehicles for rescuing works, and vehicles value 2million Yuan


0.5 million Yuan

Cummins China

1 million Yuan


2.4 million Yuan

Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle

Rescuing material value 2.5 million Yuan

Dongfeng Nissan


Bridge Stone

2.3 million


Rescuing materials value 3.36 million Yuan


Rescuing material value 1 million Yuan

Yoman Group

Rescuing material 1 million Yuan

North Benz 1.47 Million Yuan


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