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Russia becomes the largest Chinese Commercial vehicle Importer


   In the latest three years, the export of Chinese automobiles increases fast and commercial vehicle is the mainstream of export which accounts for 65% of the total exported automobiles and accounts for 72% of the total export value.
   On August 1, “the first Sino-Russia Automobile Trade and Cooperation Forum" was held in Haerbin, China. According to the forum, China becomes world top 3 of automobile manufacturing and selling and many competitive automobiles are heavy exported to other countries. It is recorded that, from Jan to June of 2007, China had exported 241,000 automobiles, up 71.2% than the corresponding time of last year, export value 2.7billion Us$, up 110.7%.The main markets of Chinese automobiles are mainly located in Europe, Middle East and Asia. In 2006, the export value to these countries has reached 100,000,000US$ are Russia, Iran, Belgium, Syria, Algeria, Kazakhstan and Angora. In 2005, Russia ranked 5th on the Chinese automobiles export amount list, however, in 2006, Russia ranks 1st which has gained special attentions from both China and Russia.


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