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Truck racing back to the track


China Truck Racing tournament is scheduled to come back to one of Asia's biggest equestrian racetracks in Hohhot on September 20, a month after the Olympic flame was extinguished in Beijing.

Sponsored by Foton, China's biggest commercial vehicle producer, the sixth China Truck Racing competition will have the theme of challenge and happiness. Organizers of the race said they would consider bringing back the straight-line speed race and stage a truck-horse competition to entertain spectators.

Also in the list of events are equestrian acrobatics and local Mongolian cultural performances since the nation's most influential truck racing tournament returns to the city where a stage was hosted in the race's debut year.

The training camp of the game will open ahead of the competition to help holders of the C-type driving license obtain the E-type, which is compulsory for a truck racing career in China.

Other highlights will include cheerleader performances and a possible appearance by an f Olympic gold medalist, organizers say.


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