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China auto export decreased in Aug. compared with Jul.


The global economic stagnation began to influence China auto export greatly. In Aug. 2008, China auto export volume was 57,531 units decreased 18% compared with Jul. report of Association of China Automobile Manufacturers said.

Auto import & export value in Aug. was 7.417 billion US$, decreased slightly compared with Jul.  Import value was 2.713 billion US$, decreased 7.60% compared with Jul, increased 22.58% y-o-y. Export value was 4.704 billion US$, decreased 1.53% compared with Jul, increased 23.32% y-o-y.

After a five year rapid increase, China auto export finally begin to decrease when the global auto industry faces a massive slowdown. As a major market of China commercial vehicle makers, Vietnam was stroked by a major economic crisis which influenced vehicle export of several truck makers such as JAC and Foton. In Aug. there were only 859 vehicles exported to Vietnam, decreased 73%. As a major passenger vehicle market for China auto makers, Ukraine imported nearly 540,000 vehicles in the first 8 months of 2008, increased 103% y-o-y. However, the number in Aug. was 3,814 units decreased 50% either compared with Jul. or same time of last year.


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