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Volvo's Truck was awarded as the best brand in Sweden


A few days ago, Volvo truck company participated in a "Super Brand Award" comparison. This activity was hold by SIFO Research International and Superbrands Brand Council. Volvo was ranked in the top category at last. Thus it was named the most powerful B2B brand in Sweden.

"The remarkable results in Volvo's brand management really delight us a lot. These achievements should be attributed to the system of brand management training.” the brand manger Christer Lindquist said that.

Super-brands Brand Counci affects 82 countries and regions. For the top brands, the Committee investigates into 1700 brands in Swedish market and eventually selected the "Super brands". And what's the "Super brands"? It refers to the added value that customer needs and recognized both in rational and emotional level. And even more the consumers are willing to pay higher prices for brand. Finally, 300 brands were awarded as the "supper brand”, Volvo included.

In this foundation, the Committee divided the 300 brands into five types, and given evaluation and ranking of each brand according to the brand traditional, consumer confidence, creativity, materiality level, reputation and so on. And in "industrial category", Volvo's trucks ahead of Electrolux, SAAB, SKF, Astra Zeneca, and other well-known brands, rank first among similar products.


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