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Shaanxi Auto to set up assembly line in Algeria


"Shaanxi Auto will gradually launch a new market plan in Algeria next year. It will transfer vehicle export to parts export, and to set up assembly plant in Algeria.

"There're 4 assembly production lines will be set up." One staff of the Shaanxi Auto who worked there for more than two years said that.

It is known that this marketing strategy has the following advantages:
RMB exchange rate is rise at present, the cost of production was reduced in overseas investment.
Whereas, spare parts import policy is easier than vehicle's in Algeria. In addition, set up the assembly lines in Algeria will help Shaanxi Auto keep market share.

So far, the quantity of shaanxi auto nearly reach million vehicles. And the sales of Shaanxi auto is expect to 6000 units in Algeria 2009. Wanggang, the general manager of Shaanxi Group said that.


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