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Dongfeng keep the 1st status in medium & heavy truck volume


Commercial vehicle business newsletter shows that Dongfeng maintained health business operation, and achieved good results on November first. The company accumulated to a total number of 178,575 units, which maintain the first status in heavy truck industry.

Sales Volume of Dongfeng Tianlong is up to 40,000 units in this full-year. It has an increase of more than 80%. And at the same time Dongfeng Tianjin is also establish a good reputation.

"With 5 years development, Dongfeng has formed our advantages in products, brand, research and development, manufacturing, marketing, management and other fields. And especially is the product. Dongfeng commercial vehicles have already completed a comprehensive upgrading of heavy trucks, and have been highly recognized by market." Tong Dongshan, the deputy general manager of Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company, said that in the interview.


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