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Truck output in Shandong ranking first in nationwide amount


It is reported that the heavy truck volume in Shandong province is 159,000 units and the light truck volume is 306,000 units, which makes a 29.6% and 26.1% in domestic heavy truck and light truck volume. The output ranks first in the nationwide market.

In end of 2008, Shandong's vehicle possession has amounted close to 15,780,000, and 5.97 million units of which are motor vehicles. It also has a 660,000 growth compared with the same time last year. Sun Jianshe, president of Shandong automobile industry Association.

The added value of province's automotive industry totaled 45 billion yuan, main business income is 208.754 billion yuan, and the export amount is 3.4 billion U.S. dollars.


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