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GM Delays its Diesel Truck Engine


GM has shelved its new diesel truck engine, at least temporarily. Production of the 4.5 liter diesel was slated to begin next fall, but the current financial crunch has forced GM to re-think where its dollars should be spent. The engine hasn't been officially scrapped -- yet, but GM says it will make a decision at a later date whether or not to proceed with production or to sell the patent rights to another manufacturer.

The diesel is a new and innovative design that's made from lightweight materials and features unique cylinder heads that eliminate separate intake and exhaust manifolds. It was slated to be used in 2010 Sierra and Silverado 1500 series pickups, and was expected to boost each truck's fuel economy to the mid to high 20s. GM reports that, in testing, the diesel is quiet and runs as smoothly as a typical gas engine.

The cancellation is a disappointment for truck enthusiasts who have been waiting for a light duty diesel pickup.


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