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Renault-Nissan Partnership Forms Zero-Emission Vehicle Program


Renault-Nissan has partnered with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) to advance zero-emission mobility by promoting the development of an electric vehicle (EV) charging network.

Nissan will be introducing ZEVs in the US in 2010.  Nissan has started a coast to coast tour of their EV prototype that is powered by Nissan’s lithium-ion battery pack and zero emission electric motor.

As part of the partnership Nissan will help SDG&E with EV acquisition and the charging infrastructure for Evs.  This team will work with area agencies and companies toward the implementation and maintenance of a battery charging network.

Renault-Nissan has begun ZEV programs in Israel, Denmark, Portugal, Japan, France and the UK.  In the US they have partnered with the State of Tennessee, the State of Oregon, Sonoma County, CA and Tucson, Ariz.


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