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JAC and AVL signed a contract on 1.5T gasoline engine


In August 19th, a signing ceremony happened between JAC and AVL CO.of Austria on technique development project contract of 1.5T gasoline engine.

AVL executive vice-president Mr.Patrick Singargou, vice-president Dr.Guenter Fraidl, sales director in china Mr.Franz Leitner, and super customer manager Ms.Lu Meijun, and JAC board chairman Mr.Zuo, general manager Mr.An, and vice general manager Mr.Yan attended this ceremony.

In the signing ceremony, AVL executive vice- president Mr.Patrick Singargout and Mr. Yan signed a contract, which meant JAC made a big step on direct gasoline spurting technique.

After signing, chairman Mr.Zuo made an important speech. He said,as the cooperation with AVL went further and further,JAC was full of confidence in technique-accumulation and responsibility from AVL, and he hoped AVL could be more responsible in surporting JAC. JAC engine-design team would join the whole process of this projest in order to ensure the product perfection and market success.

TSI is a mainstream technique in the development of present and future gasoline engine market.And 1.5T GDI gasoline engine development is JAC’s important decision-making. It would help JAC maintain a stronger market competitiveness in the following 3 years and has a strategical meaning.


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