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Jinbei is facing the delisting situation

Date:2010-05-18 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

(chinatrucks.com, May 18, 2010) It is disclosed by JInbei in annual express of 2009 that Jinbei has sold 93695 during the report period, however, the data is far behind from 46% increase of China Auto market. Jinbei also announced that it will accelerate assets restructure and save finance costing. At the same time, it will make great efforts to improve operation ability in order to make up the deficits and get surpluses. 

Three challenges shall be taken if Jinbei wants to earn profits. Firstly, the structure shall be perfected and adjusted. Secondly, low benefits shall be raised. Thirdly, domestic and overseas markets shall be developed.

Compared with some mainstream auto enterprises, the technology of Jinbei auto is far behind, and Jinbei lacks sustainable development ability. These are the problems not easy to manage, and it’s hard to tackle in a short time.

Furthermore, light truck of Jinbei is tougher. It dose not rank top 10 of the market, and the market share has been decreased from 2.89% last year to 2.72%. 


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