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Quebec Paccar plant celebrates production of 100,000th medium-duty truck

Date:2011-08-01 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: A Kenworth T370 has been recently recognized as the 100,000th medium-duty truck produced at the Paccar Ste-Therese, Que., manufacturing plant. The plant has been in operating since its grand opening in 1999.

"The employees at the Paccar Ste-Therese are especially dedicated to building excellent medium-duty trucks. We're especially honoured that a Kenworth T370 is the 100,000th medium-duty truck to roll off the production line over the past 12 years," said Marilyn Santangelo, Kenworth assistant general manager for operations. "We thank all our customers who have purchased Kenworth trucks built at the Ste-Therese facility."
The milestone vehicle is a new Kenworth 6x4 T370 tandem tractor produced for long-time customer Altec Industries.

Keith Lawrence, manager of strategic sourcing for Altec in St, Joseph, Mo., and Martin Boucher, Altec's account manager in Montreal, were presented the keys to the new Kenworth T370 by Chakib Toubal-Seghir, plant manager for the Ste-Therese facility. Also participating in the special ceremony at the plant were Santangelo; Neil Vonnahme, Kenworth general sales manager - West; and Eddie Davis, new truck salesman of selling dealer MHC Kenworth - Kansas City, Mo.
"On behalf of all Altec associates, it's a privilege to participate in this important milestone for Kenworth and accept this very special and historic 100,000th truck built by the Ste-Therese plant employees," said Lawrence. "Altec is proud of the longstanding business partnership we have with Kenworth.  We value the importance of that relationship and look forward to continuing to jointly meet the growing needs of our customers by providing the highest quality equipment in the market today."
"This significant milestone is a tribute to the hard work and strong commitment to quality shown by our employees during these past 12 years," said Toubal-Seghir.  "They are to be congratulated on their daily efforts to build outstanding trucks for customers such as Altec Industries."
The day's celebration also included a barbecue lunch cooked by managers for the guests and employees, and a plant tour for Lawrence and Boucher.


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