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North America surface trade surges 11% in June

Date:2011-09-07 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: Trade using surface transportation between Canada, the US and Mexico, was 11.0% higher in June than in June 2010, totaling $ 77.5 billion, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) of the US Department of Transportation.

BTS reported that the value of US surface transportation trade with Canada and Mexico in June rose 52.7% in two years from June 2009, but has still only risen 4.6% above the level of June 2008, the previous high for any June based on data collection begun in 1994.

The value of US surface transportation trade with Canada and Mexico in June increased by 15.9% when compared to June 2006, and also increased by 59.0% when compared to June 2001. Imports in June were up 49.8% since June 2001, while exports were up 71.2%.

In June, 85.5% of U.S. trade by value with Canada and Mexico moved via land, 10.3% moved by vessel, and 4.2% moved by air.

The value of US surface transportation trade with Canada and Mexico gained 0.3% in June from May.

US-Canada surface transportation trade increased compared to June 2010, reaching $46.1 billion, a 9.7% increase.

In June trade by state, Michigan led all states in surface trade with Canada as it has in previous years, at $6.3 billion, a 6.1% increase from June 2010.


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