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Import & Export of commercial vehicles in Nov. 2011

Date:2012-02-03 Author:Eric Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: Exports of commercial vehicles
37,500 commercial vehicles were exported in Nov., up 14.67% over Oct. And 31,800 cargo vans were exported, up 21.03%.

348,600 commercial vehicles were exported from Jan. to Nov., up 35.74%. And 295,900 cargo vans were exported, up 41.09%.

And their main targeting countries are Algeria, Syria, Chile, Vietnam, Iran, Peru, Russia, Venezuela, Iraq and South Africa.

Imports of commercial vehicles

1,700 commercial vehicles were imported in Nov., down 25.95%.

24,400 commercial vehicles were imported from Jan. to Nov., up 25.13%.

And their main targeting countries are the US, Japan, Germany, Sweden and South Korea.


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