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China NDRC: try to cancel all gov't loan secondary road toll in 12th five-year plan period

Date:2012-05-22 Author:Mika Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: China National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC) Prices Inspector Zhang Manying stated on May 17 that China will try to eliminate all gov't loan secondary road toll  in 12th five-year plan period. And they are still studying and making up measure to cancel first-class highway and operating secondary roads. 

According to Zhang Manying, NDRC is conducting the following issues together with Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Finance: promote to cancel road toll for conventional roads and highway. And the key tasks are for such works for right western provinces. And they are also encouraging more  first-class highway and secondary roads to stop tolls. 


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