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China's Commerical Vehicles Demand May Reach 3.85m

Date:2013-02-27 Source:chinadaily.com.cn

www.chinatrucks.com: China's total vehicle demand consists of 16.8 million passenger cars, 8.5 percent more than that in 2012, and 385,000 commercial vehicles, an increase of 1 percent, the Economic Information Daily reported, citing China Association Auto Manufacturers.


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The total demand is calculated by the total Chinese vehicles sales plus the number of imports and subtracting the export volume, said Shi Jianhua, deputy secretary-general of China Association Auto Manufacturers.

The commercial vehicles market, including cargo trucks and buses, may witness a 1 percent increase to 3.85 million. The sales of cargo trucks may grow one percent to 3.3 million, and the bus market may increase to 520,000 with a growth of 5 percent.

In 2013, the imported cars demand may continuously slow to 25 percent and reach 1.45 million, but export may grow by 24 percent to 1.30 million.



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