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China is now the Second Biggest Exporter of Trucks to Chile

Date:2013-05-02 Author:dennis Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com : According to the report of a Chilean newspaper, as the Chilean Auto Industry Association counted, the import of vehicles from China has rose from 0% in 2006to 2% in 2007, and 19% in 2011 and 2012. China has become the second biggest truck exporter to Chile after Brazil.

The biggest truck exporter is Brazil, who took 52% of the market share in 2006, to 22% in 2012; the third biggest exporter is Japan, with 17% of share in 2006 and 16% in 2012; Mexico took 5% in 2006, and 14% in 2012; Germany took 4% in 2006, and 10% in 2012.


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