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SINOTRUK HOWO A7 Wins Plateau Truck Racing in Peru

Date:2013-07-11 Author:dennis Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com : On June 30th, 2013, the annual Peruvian heavy duty truck 1000 meters rally was held, in which SINOTRUK HOWO A7 and International, Kentworth, Freightliner, Volvo participated. There are altogether 35 tractors and 15 dumpers joined in the competition.

Among the tractors, after several rounds of fierce competitiom, SINOTRUK HOWO-A7 420 tractor won the championship, beating all the rivals including Volvo.

Cerro de Pasco situates in the middle plateau of Peru, with an average elevation of 4500 meters, it is one of the highest cities in the world. And the harsh environment poses great difficulty to trucks in terms of adaptability, stability, engine power and etc. this makes the city a famous test ground for many truck makers in the world.

SINOTRUK, by winning in the contest showcased to customers that SINOTRUK trucks are of great quality.


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