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MAN Delivers 440 Trucks to Saudi Arabia and Expands Service Network


www.chinatrucks.com: Food producer Almarai has ordered 240 new trucks of the MAN TGS type from MAN Truck & Bus, rejuvenating their current fleet of 1,290 MAN long-haul trucks. Almarai conducts the distribution of its chilled foods and dairy products single-handedly and operates the vehicles around the clock to deliver heat-sensitive perishable goods to the entire Gulf region as well as Jordan and Egypt. The company had already ordered a major number of trucks for its fleet in 2009.


Furthermore, MAN is supplying 200 TGS tractors with TipMatic automated gearboxes to Global Specified Transport in Saudi Arabia. The first 100 trucks of this batch have already been handed over in July.

The MAN TGS trucks are specially designed to meet the requirements of the Middle East regions and are thus optimally suited for the climatic conditions in the extreme heat and sand of the desert.

As a result of increased market demands, local MAN Truck & Bus Distributor Haji Husein Alireza Co. (HHA) announced plans to build 3 new service centres in the cities Jubail, Madinah and Khamis Mushait. In this context, HHA also strengthens the coverage of its mobile service fleet.


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