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JMC Pickup Won “Best Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Vehicle of the Year”


www.chinatrucks.com: According to the ranking list released by Auto Sina, Chongqing Economic Times, Chengdu Economics, Spring City Evening and Guizhou Cities, Jiangling Baodian pickup was honored as “Best Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Vehicle of the Year”.

Being the most influential, the highest standard, the most rigorous and the most competitive annual ranking of automobile in western area, this activity covers the major towns in Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Guiyang, etc. influencing the consumers in the western regions. This year is the 8th session after seven years’ accumulation and perfection. It has established powerful reputation and demonstration effect in the minds of western customers. Meanwhile, it is a strong testament to the performance of each major brand in western auto markets over the last year.

Jliangling Baodian is not only fashionable and durable; it also enjoys a good reputation. “Fuel saving, durable, and comfortable” are critical standard of customers’ recognition for Baodian pickup. Consequently, Baodian pickup began to dominant diesel pickup market for a long time.


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