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Beiben Truck Opens Five New Overseas Markets in 2013

Date:2014-01-24 Author:Evelyn Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: In 2013, Beiben further expands its international market and successfully opens the heavy truck market in five more countries: 4 units sold to Malawi, 1 unit to Costa Rica, 4 units to Burundi, 5 units to Uganda and 6 to Rwanda.

In future, Beiben will take the opportunity of previous sale to further enlarge communications and exchange with the above countries in an attempt to bring more sales.

Beiben heavy truck

The development in international market contributes a lot to the rise of its reputation abroad and lays a solid foundation for it to explore more business and raise international sales.

Beiben sets up a sales target of 25,000 units for the year 2014, 22,000 units to domestic market and 3,000 units to international market. It is believed Beiben will make new breakthroughs globally as the international business develops.


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