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Bosch Ups Investments for India Challenge


www.chinatrucks.com: World’s largest auto parts’ maker Bosch will invest Rs. 1,200 crore to expand and strengthen its operations in India.

The fresh investments will go into capacity expansion across Bosch companies in the country. Apart from increasing production lines, the company will also set up a research and development centre. “India is an important linchpin of this region. Most of the investments from Bosch are happening in South Asia,” Peter Tyroller, member of the Bosch board of management for Asia Pacific, said here on Monday.

The existing manufacturing facility in Bangalore will be converted into an R & D hub. The new R & D centre will focus on system and software engineering and the multitude of things offered by the internet of things and services.

Internet of things connects physical objects via the web and can identify themselves to other devices.

“Internet will play a major role in the automobile industry. For example, we will soon have automated parking system and in another 10-15 years automated driving as well,” Tyroller said.


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