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The First Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor China IV Quality Products Conference Successfully Ended

Date:2014-04-14 Author:Panda Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: From 9 to 13 March 2014, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor China IV Quality Products Conference, organized by Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor, successfully completed its on-site activities for six stations, namely Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Chengdu, Suzhou, Guangzhou and Zhengzhou, the six major national transport and logistics area. The activity lasted two weeks time, attracting a total of more than 800 representatives of well-known logistics companies and individuals, with orders of 80 units signed on the scene.

In the conference, customers could try the China IV vehicles that Liuzhou Motor brought. For the widely concerned "China IV emission standards", Liuzhou Motor also opened a special exhibition for after-treatment system, bringing to equipment to scene, with experts explaining it in detail, to help customers gain a more comprehensive understanding of what is after-treatment system, and how it is upgraded.

"In the six stations of China IV Quality Products Conference, we have achieved satisfactory results in spreading related knowledge and order sales performance, which was definitely a good begging for Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor to put its China IV products in the market." The relevant responsible person of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor  said, " The nexr conferencewill be held in Shenzhen in mid-April, at which time there will be more interactions, on-site promotions and other activities. All who are interested are welcome to participate! "


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