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Integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Customs Facilitates Exports

Date:2014-05-16 Author:Zhang Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: General Administration of Customs launched Reform Scheme for Integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province, stressing that General Administration of Customs will coordinate the integration process with road map and time table. The reform will start in Beijing and Tianjin Customs since July 1 and they will start in Shijiazhuang Custom since October this

The integration of the three areas will bring the following changes:

The first one is that cross-regional customs clearance will be convenient. The companies in the three areas can choose any Customs for clearance and the goods will be checked at the actual Custom and the goods can be cleared for any Custom.

The second is that more companies can enjoy favorable policies. And companies in the three areas will be seen as in the same Custom, and all these companies can enjoy the favorable policies.

The third is that import and export will be smoother. And no entrepot transportation in needed for these areas which can facilitate production factors cross-regional flow freely and helps to reasonable distribution and upstream and downstream linkage mechanism.


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