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108 Shenzhen Dongfeng Mobile Vendor Vans Serve Tibet

Date:2014-05-19 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company subsidiary Shenzhen Dongfeng Auto Company signed contract with Lhasa Chengguan District to sell 108 mobile vendor vans on May 9th. And this is the second time since Lhasa Jingtu
Agriculture Development Company placed order for mobile vendor vans since their first purchase of 62 units recently, and the contract revenues for the vehicles are for more than 30 million Yuan. Till now, Shenzhen Dongfeng mobile vendor vans have served Shenzhen, Wuhan and Liuzhou.


The 62 mobile vendor vans have started to serve citizens in Lhasa and they can provide vegetables fast and conveniently and they are welcomed by many citizens. CCTV also reported the event on April 25 this year. The project is highly praised by major leaders in Tibet and they are going to promote it in Tibet. Shenzhen Dongfeng Auto Company delivered the mobile vendor vans On time according to the contract.

Shenzhen Dongfeng Auto Company is subsidiary of Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company, and their main business include development, production and sales of heavy-duty chassis, complete vehicles and special vehicles with support of Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company. They can produce over 1,500 heavy vehicles and special vehicles each year and they own over 50
kinds and varieties of vehicles now and they are also the only complete vehicle manufacturer in Shenzhen and ranking ahead among top 500 transport facility makers in China.


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