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JMC Sells 21,342 Vehicles in May, up 25%

Date:2014-06-05 Author:Eric Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: JMC Motors released their sales report on Tuesday night, and they produced 4,842 Ford Transit light buses in May, dwon 22% over last year and the figure was 26,782 units in the first five months, down 6% over last year, and they produced 9,303 light trucks in May, up 31% over last year and the figure was 39,283 in the first five months, up 25% over last year.

4,883 JMC Ford Transit light buses were sold in May, down 9% over last year and the figure was 29,201 units in the first five months; and 8,946 light trucks were sold, up 32% over last year and teh figure was 40,235 units from Jan to May, up 27% over last year.

They produced 21,789 units in May, up 13% over last year, and the figure was 108,814 units in the first five months, up 15% over last year and they sold 21,342 units in May, up 25% over last year, and the figure was 113,926 units in the first five months, up 21% over last year.


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