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Electric Facilities Ready for JAC 100,000 Pickups Project in Yangzhou

Date:2014-06-06 Author:Eric Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: Recently power supply bureau of Jiangdu District in Yangzhou finished the JAC Motors 100,000 pickups project new lines and secondary generator to make sure smooth production of the project in Yangzhou.

Yangzhou 100,000 Pickups Project is invested by JAC Motors with total investment for two billion Yuan and the project takes over one hectare and the annual output are 100,000 pickups and the annual output will amount to eight billion Yuan and it is a major project in Jiangdu District. And the project was founded in 2012 and due to be finished this March.

To help operation of the project as soon as possible, Jiangdu power supply bureau deployed many apartments to join the project and promote development of the project. They employ 70-150 stuffs to join the project since April 20, and the jobs includes construction of the electricity lines and secondary generators and matching projects. Apart from setting 100,000 volt electricity lines and they have to come across 60-meter major roads, and they passed 60-meter street and set electricity lines for 1100 meters and 21 steel base towers. They organized the project scientifically and shortened the project periods and finished the jobs in over ten days. And they have set six secondary generators for 1600 kw and high pressure and low pressure electricity lines for over 2000 meters to ensure the smooth operation of the JAC Motors 100,000 pickups project.


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