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Foton Sells 12,479 Medium and Heavy trucks in May, up 3%

Date:2014-06-10 Author:Eric Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: Foton Motors released their production and sales data in May this year recently.

Foton sold 50,187 vehicles in May, down 10.98% over last year. They sold 12,479 medium and heavy trucks in May, up 3.01% and they sold 33,245 light trucks in May and 3,136 light buses and 602 medium and large buses and coaches. And they sold 19,343 engines in May, up 11.59% over last year, including 9,687 Ollin engines and 9,656 Cummins engines.

In the first five months, they sold 290,085 vehicles, down 2.14% over last year, and they sold 2,990 medium and large buses and coaches, up 115.42% over last year.

In terms of production volumes, they produced 46,997 units, down 17.03% over last year, and they produced 18,820 engines in May, up 6.88% over last year.


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