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Lifan Shijun Shows in China South Asia Exhibition and Delivers 1,800 Heavy Trucks

Date:2014-06-11 Author:Zhang Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: During the 2nd China South Asia Exhibition on June 7, 2014, Lifan Shijun Group brought 25 trucks to join the show, and they are the biggest exhibitor here. And signing ceremony was held for customers from Yunan, Burma and Laos by deputy president Ma Libin, and they delivered over 1800 heavy trucks.


Lifan Shijun Shows in China South Asia Exhibition and Delivers 1,800 Heavy Trucks

And the delivered trucks are mainly dumpers and the customers are mainly from overseas markets. As leading company in Yunnan province, Lifan Shijun Group are making rapid progress on exports of heavy trucks in recentl years. And they exported over 30,000 heavy trucks in 2013, up 200% over last year.

It is learned that the 25 trucks include light trucks, medium trucks and heavy trucks, agricultural vehicles, tractors and low speed vehicles, and they own Lifan, Shijun, Sikate, Kaiwoda and Geaolei etc five brands. And Geleiao are for heavy trucks, Kaiwoda are for medium trucks and Sikate are for light trucks, macro trucks and small trucks. We can see that Lifan Shijun can meet all the needs for trucks.


Lifan Shijun Shows in China South Asia Exhibition and Delivers 1,800 Heavy Trucks


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