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Ford Heavy Trucks Exchange to JMC Logo to Develop J19

Date:2014-08-07 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: JMC Motor has routed on light buses, light trucks, pickups and SUV, and they are entering heavy truck segment markets in recent two years and they have built wholly owed subsidiary company JMC Heavy-duty Auto Company to produce heavy trucks. It is learned from the auto company that JMC Heavy-duty Auto Company and Ford Auto and two of their subsidiaries to produce JMC J19 with the heavy trucks program technology licensing contract.

According to their product plans, J19 will be their newly developed heavy truck project to forge JMC heavy trucks and related technology is from Ford Auto. In another way, JMC will Ford heavy trucks and then they will sell in China and JMC will pay 66,280,000 Yuan to Ford.


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