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FAST Retarder Serves Customers Professinally

Date:2014-08-14 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: FAST released new product, retarder to attract customers and the product breaks foreign company's monopoly in China market.


FAST engine introduced that they started to develop the retarder since 2010 and it is the world latest gear design and upgraded planetary structure with double row and double gear. The product features compact structure, great universal property, high reliability and lightweight etc advantages. And the output speed ratio is 135. And high-performance professional pinion steel is used and world leading Carburizing and quenching technology and gear grinding machine to ensure great quality of the products.

The retarder also broke foreign products monopoly for 8-10 cubic meter cement mixer truck retarders and FAST will also develop reducers machines for 12,14 and 16 cubic meters to meet customers' needs. 


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