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Ford STEEDA Pickups Enters China Markets

Date:2014-08-21 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: China Sinoma Import and Export Company, Sinoma supply china company held news conference with Ford STEEDA on August 19, 2014 and they will introduce Ford STEEDA new vehicle Black Falcon which is also the debut for the vehicle in China.



Ford STEEDA pickup inherits Ford F series vehicle and its performance, configuration and visual effect have been largely improved, and Ford STEEDA will gradually introduce vehicles to China.



On appearance, the new vehicle has improved on lights, painting and rim section and we can find many STEEDA in the interior trimmings and they have improved inflow and exhaust air system and the vehicle's power and sense judgment are rather good.



There are both chances and challenges for STEEDA to enter China, on the one hand, central government is opening for refitted vehicles, and on the other hand, pickups have to be abandoned in 15 years. Of course, STEEDA will not introduce pickups only, they will introduce Mustang and FOX ST etc. refitted vehicle models as well as tuning kit to meet customers' needs.



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