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6362 Foton Medium and Heavy Trucks Sold in August, down 32.43%

Date:2014-09-09 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: BAIC Foton Motor released the sales reports in August.

On sales volumes: they sold 31165 vehicles in August, down 35.28% over last year, among which, 6362 medium and heavy trucks were sold, down 32.43% over last year, and 21268 light trucks and 2513 small buses and 421 medium and large buses were sold. And they sold 18693 engines in August, up 18.04% over last year, among which, there are 7382 Ollin engines and 11311 Foton Cummins engines.

Foton sold 392716 vehicles from Jan to August, down 10.17% over last year, among which, 4184 medium and large buses and coaches were sold, up 63.25% over last year.

On production, Foton produced 31300 auto in August, down 33.11% over last year and 18940 engines were produced, up 19.82% over last year.


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